Sunday, May 23, 2010

We will see again in 2010


Join me the dinner with Chen Oi Chun on 4/6/2010, watch our announcement


Wednesday, July 29, 2009


辛苦了三年, 終於修畢 Master of Education.
老同學, 你們不可放棄進修.

Kent Lo

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Developments in 2009


I have not written anything on the blog lately because of family affair which I had explained to some classmates. During this period we had gatherings with several classmates,

Chen Oi Chen in March

Raymond in April

Eden in June

More events will come, please join us:

Leung Wai Yin in Aug

Duncan around Oct/Nov

Eden and Raymond around Christmas again

Please feel free to view the blog for more details from now and then.



Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Reunion 2008 - great success

Dear ALL,

It was excited and wonderful to see all the old folks in the evening of 25th October, 2008 Saturday. Thank you for the support from all classmates, who either joined the function or participated in the working team, or sent their regards by photos or messages.

We, about 50 of us sat together talking, singing, cheering and laughing. The fun lasted until 11:30 pm. We had the honour to have Miss Sito, Au sir, Ng sir and Miss Fung to share our fun in our Reunion dinner. Chung sir sent his regret because he had 2 young grandchildren to look after. Miss Tao and Jim sir are not available for religious and family matters. Many thanks to Wong So Ying, Peggy and Yim Kai Chuen, Kester to hold a splendid talk show – interviews with teachers and classmates. It was great fun. We had to leave because some 17 people will be leaving for touring Sanya, Hainan Island early next morning.

The weather was nice all four days except the night before we left, there was pouring rain. We had great fun, though tired and exhausted, on the last evening as we all went back to our 70’s and felt young again. You must join us next time.

There were almost 1,000 people joining the 50th anniversary of Methodist College. 25 of us represented 1975 Form 5 students. Though we may not be that attentive (a lot of walk-in visitors), the joy overwhelmed everything.

The next day 10 classmates went to Lamma Island. It is a leisure walk and we went to the new Fishing Village to see how fishermen lived. We had the last dinner before some classmates went back to their work.

I had the honour to be with you all these activities, though exhausted but with good reminiscences. We look forward to see you in future. Let's all think about the future plans. We are looking for the organizer for the next Reunion, just like the Olympic Games. You can express your interest.

Though exhausted and tired, I've built up this blog and photo links, with the photo link supplied by Methodist Toronto Alumni, you will see all the teachers and classmates, isn't it marvellous? You will see Pun sir and Chan sir there.

I hope we'll all keep in touch in the most efficient way of communication.

Until we meet again, keep well and warmest regards,
Miranda Yuen Siu Ping

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Reunion 2008 - final call

Dear ALL,

As the reunion is approaching, I’ve more news. Our heartfelt gratitude to all classmates who give their support in any means, that makes the work more meaningful.

Classmates planning to come back, they will definitely attend the dinner gathering on 25th October, 2008 Saturday.

10 classmates

Please enroll yourself with our Ambassador Classmates.

Both Chen Oi Chun and Shiu Kwok Fai cannot join though they very much want to owing to family affairs. Chung Yuen Yee withdrew earlier.

Details as follow: (check emails)
Fusion buffet
Charges for each participant: HK$350 serve with drinks and wine
Time: Official 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm

Namelist for Sanya tour (16 persons) - separate email follows

Classmates intend to attend the 50th anniversary of Methodist College to be held on 1st Nov 2008 Saturday, I’ve already reserved a classroom for our own use:

We’ve got 20 names, more are welcome

We’ve invited teachers to our dinner gathering on 25th October, 2008 Saturday:
Miss Seto (confirmed will attend)
Au sir (from Canada, confirmed will attend)
Pun sir (from Canada, pending reply, he promised he'll join)
Miss Tao (confirmed will attend)
Chung sir (confirmed will attend, but depends on health conditions)
Ng sir (confirmed will attend)
Kwan sir (regret will not attend)
Uncle Cheuk (may attend, depends on health conditions)
Mrs Chan (waiting for reply)

Jim sir will probably be unable to attend as he will become a grandfather by end of Sept. He will stay with his son and daughter-in-law in US for a couple of months but he intends to attend the MC’s 50th anniversary, we may see him there. Congratulations to Jim sir.

This reunion is in fact held 2 years earlier (2010) to meet the MC’s 50th Anniversary. We’ll probably meet globally 7 years later at our 40th anniversary in 2015. The door is always open. There will be numerous gatherings.


2015 40th anniversary (globally meeting), we shall be …...
2020 45th anniversary, we shall be …...
2025 50th anniversary, we shall be …...
2030 55th anniversary, we shall be …...
2035 60th anniversary, we shall be …...
2040 65th anniversary, we shall be …...

We need your support! Our Ambrassador Classmates have already called you, why hesitate? Only one month ahead!

See you all on 25th October, 2008 Saturday.

Warm regards,

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I love Hong Kong (2)

Have you noticed there are numerous renowned buildings in Hong Kong. We are proud to present this special tour. If you are interested, you may experience something else. Have a nice trip!

Yuen Siu Ping

古 今 建 築 漫 遊

香 港 建 築 , 形 形 色 色 , 風 格 獨 特 。 想 探 究 一 番 ? 就 讓 我 們 帶 您 漫 遊 中 區 , 觀 賞 香 港 古 今 建 築 物 吧 ! 中 區 警 署 、 藝 穗 會 和 前 法 國 外 方 傳 道 會 大 樓 等 特 色 建 築 , 懷 舊 古 雅 。 行 程 中 , 身 為 建 築 師 的 講 者 更 會 為 您 細 說 這 些 建 築 物 的 獨 特 之 處 , 與 您 一 同 穿 越 時 光 隧 道 , 分 享 這 些 建 築 物 的 故 事 , 緬 懷 昔 日 香 江 歲 月 。

古 舊 的 歷 史 建 築 物 旁 邊 , 卻 是 一 幢 幢 時 代 感 十 足 的 高 樓 大 廈 , 閃 閃 生 輝 的 玻 璃 外 牆 , 交 交 疊 疊 的 鋼 筋 , 體 現 了 香 港 現 代 化 的 發 展 。 其 中 , 由 世 界 頂 尖 建 築 師 設 計 的 名 廈 , 啟 示 了 建 築 風 格 的 演 進 歷 程 , 同 時 也 見 證 香 港 都 市 建 築 過 去 一 世 紀 的 變 遷 。 參 觀 者 聆 聽 專 業 的 講 解 , 無 疑 可 豐 富 自 己 對 香 港 歷 史 和 世 界 建 築 設 計 的 認 識 。

古 今 建 築 漫 遊
集合 地 點 :

香 港 規 劃 及 基 建 展 覽 館 香 港 中 環 愛 丁 堡 廣 場 3 號 地 下 ( 港 鐵 中 環 站 K 出 口 , 往 海 旁 方 向 走 , 穿 越 人行 隧 道 後 , 步 往 愛 丁 堡 廣 場 , 然 後 右 轉 。 展 覽館 就 在 香 港 大 會 堂 側 。 )

時 間 :星 期 六 上 午 10:30 至 下午 12:30

報 名 :銅 鑼 灣 或 尖 沙 咀 之 香 港 旅 遊 發 展 局 旅 客諮 詢 中 心

全 程 : 約 2 小 時

費 用 :每 人 港 幣 $100 ( 不 設找 贖 及 外 幣 兌 換 )

講 者 :香 港 建 築 師 學 會 成 員

每 程 名 額 :15 人

查 詢 :香 港 旅 遊 發 展 局 旅 遊 熱 線 +852 2508 1234

旅 客 必 須 親 身 前 往 旅 客 諮 詢 中 心 出 示 旅 遊 證 件, 預 先 報 名。
旅 客 於 出 發 前 2 天 或 之 前取 消 行 程 , 可 獲 全 數 退 款 。 除 因 天 氣 關 係 , 於 出 發 前 1 天 或 當 天取 消 行 程 , 不 設 退 款 。
建 議 旅 客 採 取 戶 外 活 動 的 適 當 準 備 。
參 加 者 年 齡 須 為 3 至 75 歲 。
是 項 活 動 由 香 港 建 築 師 學 會 主 辦 。

Excerpt from

Monday, August 11, 2008

I love Hong Kong (1)

I love Hong Kong because she contains everything, from east to west, from classic to modern. I'm going to post a series of information about touring Hong Kong in a cultural and historical aspect, the sources are reliable. When you're back to Hong Kong, you can experience it. Let's explore them in our Blog. Join me to enjoy the tour.

Yuen Siu Ping

Art and cultural activities for recent months:-

Hong Kong Museum of Art 香港藝術館



康樂及文化事務署、坎帕尼亞大區、拿玻里與龐貝考古遺產管理局及斯塔比亞古物修復基金會聯合主辦意大利駐香港領事館協辦香港藝術館、坎帕尼亞大區、拿玻里與龐貝考古遺產管理局及斯塔比亞古物修復基金會聯合籌劃2smART 統籌巡迴展覽 公元79年8月24日約中午時分,維蘇威火山爆發並埋葬了附近的龐貝城與赫庫蘭尼姆城,灼熱的熔岩流向龐貝城5公里以外範圍,那裏是羅馬貴族別墅花園的集中地—斯塔比亞。維蘇威火山爆發這場天災,雖使多個城市成為荒塚,卻意外地把斯塔比亞的壁畫封存並保留下來。1749年,拿坡里王查理三世正式在斯塔比亞進行發掘工作,他把發掘出來的壁畫用來裝飾他的皇宮,其後便將遺址掩埋。1950年,一位中學校長再次發現斯塔比亞遺址,但由於資金匱乏,發掘工作在1962年被迫停止。直至20世紀中期,龐貝考古遺產管理局才繼續斯塔比亞的考古工作至今。這次展覽精選了170項斯塔比亞的珍貴文物,其中包括壁畫、灰泥塑飾、陶器、玻璃器、青銅器、鐵器及大理石器等,其中更會重現三面完整的牆壁及其上的畫作。展品細訴出2000年前羅馬人的富裕、政治權力與生活。斯塔比亞的莊園別墅是羅馬貴族的「夏宮」,在炎熱的季節,他們在別墅中一邊管理業務,一邊俯瞰遼闊的拿坡里海灣,享受那裏溫和的氣候和礦物溫泉。

Hong Kong Museum of History香港歷史博物館




Hong Kong Heritage Museum香港文化博物館

開放時間星期一、星期三至六:上午 10 時至下午 6 時
星期日及公眾假期:上午 10 時至下午 7 時(星期二休館)

「古代奧林匹克運動會 — 大英博物館奧運珍藏展」
專題展覽館〔一〕、〔二〕及聚賢廳 2008年8月3日─2008年11月24日

全城帶著興奮的心情迎接2008北京奧運會,在「同一個世界 同一個夢想」的信念下,期待著這項世界體壇盛事的來臨。公仔箱傳來希臘女祭司在奧林匹亞為北京的火炬點燃聖火的影像 — 奧運究竟與希臘的文化、宗教有甚麼關係呢?由康樂及文化事務署和大英博物館托管會主辦的「古代奧林匹克運動會 — 大英博物館奧運珍藏展」,會帶大家飛越時空,娓娓道來古代奧運會的故事,及其與現代奧運會的關係。展覽是配合2008年北京奧運會和香港協辦奧運馬術比賽而特別呈獻予香港市民的重點文化節目,並獲中國香港體育協會暨奧林匹克委員會全力支持。是次展覽精選了超過110件大英博物館的奧運珍品,包括雕塑、陶器、金器、青銅器、錢幣和獎牌等等,而當中聞名於世的大理石雕像「擲鐵餅者」,更是大英博物館首度容許赴港展出,市民可近距離欣賞這件雄偉的藝術珍品。展覽將介紹奧林匹亞的運動場地、古代奧運的比賽項目、表揚勝利者的儀式、宗教活動、現代奧運會的發展,並回顧中國和香港參與現代奧運會的歷史。為加深市民對古代奧運會的認識,展覽特闢教育角,並推出不同類型的教育活動和教育資源套,讓市民一同投入這個古代的運動盛事。

excerpts from